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Please remember that any and all formal requests for advice must be made through the structures of the union, i.e. to your regional officials and EC member. Under FBU rules, every FBU Brigade Committee must have a negotiating committee in place. In addition, it is the duty of every regional committee to: ‘supervise the conduct of negotiations within its territory in accordance with the policy of the Union. In cases in which the policy on matters to be negotiated has not been determined by Conference or by the Executive Council it shall be the duty of the Regional Committee to refer such matters to the Executive Council for guidance.’

Therefore this facility should not be used to seek formal advice or input into negotiations which are properly the matter of regional committee oversight.

This is an official FBU facility, so all the values & standards of conduct expected by the union apply. Anyone found to be misusing this site or undertaking activities such as canvassing, could be made the subject of sanctions.

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